Checklist to Remember for COVID-19 Office Cleaning

We'll need to consider keeping our buildings and workplaces regularly clean as we return to work. Consider what role thorough cleaning will have in preventing coronavirus transmission (COVID-19) in the workplace and how effective cleaning can look to lower your risk. It's just as vital to stopping the virus from spreading to prevent it from growing, which we can do by adhering to some fundamental cleaning guidelines.

This Checklist from experts of coronavirus clean up in Fort Myers examines a range of features of the cleaning procedure in the COVID-19 world and helps you understand what can and should be done. It covers the most critical areas to achieving your goals, allowing you to check off each step of the process as it is completed.

What exactly is in the Checklist to focus upon?

What are your requirements?

Wipes/solutions for cleaning/disinfection

  • Cleaning with a household detergent and then disinfecting

  • Cleaning products' SDS

  • Follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

  • Ensure the product you're using is safe for the surfaces you're cleaning.

When is it necessary for you to clean?

  • At the end of each working day, do general cleaning.

  • After you've finished using the workstation, clean it up.

  • Whenever you find it dirty or unhygienic, clean it.

What things do you need to clean more often?

Frequently touched surfaces

  • Tabletops

  • Door handles

  • Light switches

  • Desks

  • Toilets & doors

  • Taps

  • Kitchen surfaces

  • Cupboard handles

  • Cleaning in a Safe Way

Read the product label and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

  • Observe the directions.

  • When cleaning, use gloves.

  • Wash your hands before and after.

  • If at all possible, use disposable gloves.

  • For general cleaning, only use reusable gloves.

  • Don't share your gloves.

Cleaning Preparation

  • Prevent access to areas where suspected or confirmed cases have been recorded.

  • Break rooms

  • Bathrooms

  • Touchpoints

  • Keep the window & door open for proper ventilation.

Following the Cleaning


  • Disposable personal protective equipment.

  • Place the above stuff in one trash bag, then put that trash bag inside another and throw it away in the general waste.

  • Launder

  • Reused cleaning equipment (e.g., mop heads)

  • Before reusing, make sure it's scorched.

  • Equipment should be emptied and re-cleaned. For example, sanitize buckets with a new disinfectant solution and thoroughly dry them before reuse.


Following the guidelines or making some behavioral modifications will assist you in preventing the virus. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to providing good cleaning services. Don't hesitate to get assistance from Coronavirus Sanitation in Fort Myers for better results.


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